Alaska Inner Passage

Expedition Yacht +  Cycling Tour

Skill Level: Intermediate cycling – forest road gravel and low-traffic paved

Trip #1: May 16-22, 2024
Trip #2: June 7-14, 2024
    • Partner with Alaska Sea Adventures
    • 85-foot Expedition Yacht Northern Song
    • Luxury Accomodations
    • Whales, Bears, Otters, Eagles
    • Sea Kayaks and Zodiacs
    • Cycling on Remote Islands
    • Petersburg Little Norway Festival

    7 nights on yacht / All inclusive
    $8,895 per person, double occupancy

    PRE-SEASON SALE $8,195

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    Spectacular southeastern Alaska. Southeastern Alaska’s Inside Passage is a breathtaking mosaic of natural beauty and animal habitats unlike any other. Towering fjords adorned with cascading waterfalls create an awe-inspiring backdrop. Glaciers like the awe-striking LeConte Glacier offer a glimpse into Earth’s ancient majesty. Rich marine life, from orcas to humpback whales, plus otters and seals, thrives in these nutrient-rich waters. Charming coastal towns like Petersburg and Sitka boast immigrant and indigenous culture, art galleries, and totem poles that narrate stories of the land. Being the adventurous souls that we are, we’ll explore the National Forest’s dense wilderness and cruise hidden waterways that highlight the area’s mystical allure. 

    Whales, eagles, otters, cycling, and more. We partner with Alaska Sea Adventures for a bike-and-sail excursion on their spectacular 85-foot Northern Song tour boat. Two powered skiffs and five kayaks facilitate cycling on sparsely populated islands, close-up glacier viewing, visits to villages, hiking, and other water and land-based activities. Yacht accommodations are pure luxury, including private cabins, Starlink internet, a fabulous salon, access to wheelhouse or upper viewing deck, and a chef who prepares three gourmet meals each day. Both trips start and finish in Petersburg, Alaska, with the first also affording us to be in Petersburg for its Little Norway Festival, a street fair that celebrates the town’s Scandinavian roots.

    Alaska Sea Adventures

    Adventure on the Northern Song. Alaska Sea Adventures has been leading tours through the Inner Passage of Alaska for over 50 years, offering adventure-seekers the opportunity of a lifetime to discover southeast Alaska’s treasures up close and personal, all from the comfort of its 85-foot luxury expedition yacht, Northern Song. Based in Petersburg, Alaska Sea Adventures crafts trips that immerse nature enthusiasts deep into a wilderness surrounded by whales, bears, eagles, otters, seals, and many other animals native to the region. Using Zodiac skiffs and ocean kayaks, guests can access remote islands and uninhabited areas of mainland that few ever visit. eBike Nomads is excited to be teaming with Alaska Sea Adventures and to add ebike excursions to their trips—which may just take their already unbelievable adventures completely over the top.

    The Northern Song is equipped with two rigid-hulled Zodiac inflatable skiffs that can be launched by means of an onboard crane. Use of these skiffs allows shore access for hiking, cycling, or just exploring locations that can’t be reached otherwise. In addition, Northern Song carries four very stable sea kayaks that, when conditions are right, allow for a thrilling chance to paddle up close to frolicking whales or towering glaciers.

    You can see all of Alaska Sea Adventure’s 2024 trips and learn more about the incredible Northern Song expedition yacht by visiting

    Exploring Southeast Alaska

    Whales, eagles, otters, bears, glaciers, and more. The panhandle portion of Alaska, commonly referred to as the Southeast, is made up of the Alexander Archipelago of islands and a strip of mainland bordering Canada’s British Columbia and Yukon Territories. At nearly 40,000 square miles, the area is roughly the size of Indiana and is predominantly comprised of the Tongass National Forest, the largest U.S. National Forest, containing a major portion of the world’s remaining temperate rainforest.

    Southeast Alaska is one of the most remote areas in the United States, with the great majority of it accessible only by air or boat. As a result of its remote location and difficulty of access, the area has fewer than 70,000 people located across a handful of scattered towns, villages, and communities. The bears outnumber people by approximately two to one. On some of the larger islands, the ratio of bears to people is at least ten to one!

    The pristine islands of the Southeast are bounded by a network of inner channels, protected bays, and fjords of remarkable beauty. Extensive ice fields to the east feed tidewater glaciers, which calve blue icebergs into cold, calm waters. Forests cloaked in clouds provide habitat for a variety of terrestrial wildlife, including bears, wolves, and moose, and nutrient-dense waters attract hundreds of feeding whales, eagles, and other marine life. Alaska Sea Adventures has been sharing this incredible environment with guests for over 50 years. We’re thrilled to be partnering with them to help bring it to you.

    Cycling a Remote Wilderness

    Bikes on a boat. Alaska Sea Adventures has been leading tours through the waterways of Southeast Alaska for decades, but, for the first time, guests will have the opportunity to cycle some of the most remote and least inhabited (by humans) places in the US by bicycle. eBike Nomads will lead cycling outings on our ebikes on remote islands, inland roads, and through small villages that can often be accessed only by boat. But let’s be clear: this trip is not centered on cycling. The shear spectacle of Southeast Alaska, best experienced via its waterways, is reason enough to visit. That we’re adding the opportunity to cycle a few times during the week is just a bit more icing on an already fabulously decorated cake.

    Our rugged fat-tire ebikes are the perfect tool for tackling unimproved forest roads that take us to places that virtually no one else visits. On bike, we can travel farther inland, into natural habitats that are seldom experienced by any other than National Forest staff. The natural beauty and opportunity to experience Alaska as it was long before outsiders began to visit is reason enough to get off the boat, load up on our bikes, and set off into the (literal) wilderness.

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    Liguria, Italy

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    Western Slovenia

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    Austrian Alps

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    Swiss Alps

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    Austrian Alps

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    Tuscany, Italy

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    Umbria, Italy

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    Abruzzo, Italy

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    Meteora, Greece

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    Corfu, Greece

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    Bitterroots, Idaho

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