Danube and Alps

Vienna, Austria to Klagenfurt, Austria
August 16 – 23, 2023
    • Vienna, Austria
    • Ybbs an der Donau
    • Linz, Austria
    • Molln, Austria
    • Fohnsdorf, Austria
    • Launsdorf, Austria
    • Klagenfurt, Austria

    8 days, 7 nights / Breakfast, lunch, two group dinners included
    $4,950 / €4,450 per person, double occupancy

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    The second half of the eBike Nomads 2023 Grand Tour has to start somewhere, so… why not Vienna, one of the greatest cities in the world? If you google “What to do when visiting Vienna?” you’ll get a list so long that you could spend your entire vacation just reading through the options. All of this is to say that our brief stay won’t possibly be enough time for you to enjoy the many glories of this city. We urge you to plan your trip to arrive days early and… just be tourists. Architecture, music, theater, dining, or just plain sightseeing. Just do it.

    When we do depart Vienna, it will be for good reason. We leave the stimulation of the city for the pastoral beauty of the Danube River valley and the famous-for-a-reason bike path that follows its banks for hundreds of miles. 

    We’ll grab a couple of days’ worth of Danube valley and make our way to Linz, where we’ll pause for a day before changing gears. From Linz, we leave the valley and head into the countryside, setting our sights straight for the Austrian Alps to the south.

    We climb, we drop, we linger in valleys surrounded by some of the grandest peaks anywhere, then we’ll climb some more. Ski areas are so abundant here that it’s impossible to determine where one ends and the next starts. All that snow must melt eventually and find its way out, and we’ll follow the narrow passages that cut through to find an exit. But, like melting snow, we will find our way through, perhaps ever-so-reluctantly. Eight days past the start of this journey, we’ll glide down the southern Alps slopes into Klagenfurt with only one thought in mind: Can we do that again?

    Day Zero
    Gather in Vienna

    Nomads staff will gather in Vienna on the afternoon of August 15 at the beautiful Mercure Vienna First hotel in the heart of the old city. Though this evening is not an official part of the trip, guests are welcome to connect with us at the hotel; we’ve made arrangements just in case and, space permitting, a room may be available for you. Wander museums, the old city, or just relax and prepare for the next stage of our amazing journey. Tomorrow, we begin your next great adventure.

    Day One
    Vienna Local

    If you’ve stayed in Vienna the evening prior, the morning is free for wandering the city a bit more. Officially, we start or tour today as we assemble at 11:00 AM to gather our Nomads clan, get a proper bike fit, share a first lunch, head off for a short 25-mile ride into the countryside, then circle back with a certain amount of elbowing required as we make our way on semi-bike lanes through the busy city. With a mid-afternoon return to our hotel, you’ll have time to explore Vienna before we gather to share a dinner. Tonight, we begin to form bonds with our fellow Nomads; tomorrow, we start our journey in earnest.

    Day Two
    Vienna to Ybbs an der Donau

    We’ll gather after breakfast, toss our gear onto the van, and shuttle out of the city to Krems an der Donau, a few miles upstream from Vienna. We’ll re-group there, then hop onto our bikes for a 39-mile ride along the beautiful Danube River. Of all the great bicycle pathways in Europe, the Danube River trail may be the most popular—for a good reason. The natural beauty and serenity of the setting sets the tone for the day, as we match pace with boats filled with visitors sharing the experience from a different vantage point. We’ll feel no urgency to speed along; time slows on the Danube, as will we.

    Our resting place for the evening will be the Donau Lodge in Ybbs an der Donau, on the banks of the Danube. A favorite of cyclists, we’re sure to find many kindred souls on the terrace located next the bike path. Dinner is on your own, or you can join the “Nomads Table,” a place where the Nomads team will welcome any who wish to join.

    Day Three
    Ybbs an der Donau to Linz

    We’ll toss gear onto the van, hop onto bikes in the cool air of morning, and leave the Danube for a while as we head across the hillside. We’ll pass endless fields and meadows on small country roads, eyes wide with vistas of pastoral beauty. Our “shortcut,” bypassing a large bend in the Danube, is much different from the broad Danube valley floor. Continuous rolling hills and fields, puncuated by forests and towns, provide us a teaser of where we’ll be in a couple of days. But it won’t be too long before we drop back into the valley and onto the banks of the Danube, which we’ll follow again into Linz, our evening’s destination.

    Our 54-mile ride is among our longest of the week, but the joy of the place will capture our attention and make miles to pass swiftly. We’ll arrive in the historic city of Linz late-afternoon and settle in for a rest before wandering out again. Linz is a modern city with a medieval core and a grand plaza that beckons us. Our lodging for the night is the historic Hotel Wolfinger, housed in a building that dates to the 15th century and located directly on the Innere Stadt square. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Four

    We take a bit of a break today, staying local to explore more of Linz and the surrounding area. Linz, a classic Austrian city with roots in centuries past, is now a modern, thriving city key to the region’s economy. The Innere Stadt of Linz, where we’re based, is a marvel of civic architecture, with most buildings dating back to the Renaissance. Fountains, churches, museums, opera halls, all within walking distance of our hotel, vie for our attention. The hardest part for you will be deciding. Of course, there is no wrong answer.

    We’ll also squeeze in a short 24-mile ride today, climbing into the hills both north and south of Linz, staying mostly on rural lanes through fields and meadows above the Danube River valley. The scenery this day tends towards gentle pastoral, born of the transition between grand river and magnificent mountains. The mountains may seem a long way off, but for us, they’re only two days away by bike. And we’ll be heading that way tomorrow. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Five
    Linz to Molln

    The Alps are to our south, so that’s where we’ll point our bikes today. Linz is a bustling city, so we may have to swing a few elbows as we work our way out of town. Once we clear the city, our 40-mile ride will once again find the rolling hills and farms that have marveled us over the past couple of days. We’ll cross the Traun River, a tributary to the Danube, then find and follow the Krems River, a tributary to the Traun. From here, we climb out of the valley, cross our first low mountain, then drop quickly onto the banks of the Steyr River, which will lead us towards its source high in the Alps. By day’s end, the Alps will be front and center and large in our view, but we’ll have to be content to leave them there this night. Though grand and all-encompassing, the big mountains are yet a half day’s ride away.

    Our lodging for tonight will be the Landgasthof Klausner in the lovely village of Molln. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Six
    Molln to Fohnsdorf

    The big Alps beckon and today we’ll find them. After breakfast, we’ll load gear and jump onto bikes to continue following the Steyr River towards its source. The bikeway that follows the river will be our guide until the landscape changes and we begin to point upwards. From this point, we’re on roads where bikes are common, but lacking bike lanes or shoulders, we may choose to load into the van and hop forward. Here, we have choices to make. Our end point for the day, Fohnsdorf, is far beyond a day’s bike ride, so at some point we’ll have to load up and drive the rest of the way. There are amazing local rides near our lodging, so we may opt to jump all the way forward and finish our day on bikes there. Or we may want to ride something in between. Regardless of our choice, one thing will be clear: we’ll be riding in paradise, so any choice will be the right one.

    Our lodging for the night in Fohnsdorf is the grand Hotel Schloss Gabelhofen, a centuries-old castle turned into an elegant, modern hotel. The spectacular grounds, complete with equestrian center and spa, are the perfect place to wind down at the end of the day. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Seven
    Fohnsdorf to Launsdorf

    Sometimes, the only way through mountains is to follow streams and rivers that cut through—and sometimes, you simply must go over. Today, we’ll be doing both. We leave the Muhr River valley and follow the gentle grade of a stream bed, then we make a left turn and the fun begins. We’ll climb, then drop down into another valley along another babbling stream. We follow that stream for a while, then it’s a right turn and a wall of granite looming ahead. A ribbon of asphalt winds up the mountainside, but we’ll probably pause and consider our options. With our destination just a bit farther than we may prefer to ride, a shuttle up this climb may be welcome. Once the summit is reached, however, it’s back on the bike for full-blast downhill fun all the way to our hotel. We may or may not complete the planned 55-mile ride, but whatever we accomplish will certainly be remembered as a quintessential—and very memorable—day in the Alps.

    Our destination is the magnificent Hotel Dienstl Gut in Launsdorf. On this final night together, we’ll share stories and a fabulous meal and give thanks for the opportunity to have spent time exploring this amazing land as a Nomad clan.

    Day Eight
    Launsdorf to Klagenfurt

    We don’t have very far to go today to reach our end-of-trip destination. It’s a quick 25-mile ride through the hillside, but we’ll be sure to find one last challenge for our worthy legs and bikes. We’ll set sights early, with a short visit to a castle looming over the valley, then continue our ride. We’ll have another of those “Are we lost?” moments, as we traverse a deep forest trail, but we’ll soon pop out onto a hillside with broad views down to the valley and across to the Julian Alps separating Austria and Slovenia—our next eBike Nomads destination.

    We’ll end this segment of our tour in Klagenfurt, on the banks of Lake Worthersee. The setting is magnificent, as are the many pulls on your attention in the region. You can extend your exploration on your own or stay with us for another week or two. The Nomads staff will be staying at the beautiful Select Hotel Verdino, located in the heart of historic Klagenfurt; we’ve reserved extra rooms, just in case any of our guests would like to join. For those moving on, we’ll bid farewell and give thanks for having spent time together on our much-too-brief journey.

    2023 eBike Nomads Tours

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    Florence to Cortona
    May 9 – 15 and May 17 – 23, 2023

    Bohemian Rhapsody

    Passau to Prague
    June 14 – 21, 2023

    Dolomites, Dolomites

    Valbruna to Treviso
    September 2 – 8, 2023

    Shakespeare to Alps

    Verona to Lienz
    May 23 – June 3, 2023

    Danube and Alps

    Vienna to Klagenfurt
    August 16 – 23, 2023

    Tuscany in Fall

    Florence to Cortona
    September 13 – 19, 2023

    Alps to Amadeus

    Lienz to Passau
    June 5 – 12, 2023

    Finding Slovenia

    Klagenfurt to Kranjska Gora
    August 25 – 31, 2023

    Umbria in Fall

    Perugia to Orvieto
    September 21 – 26, 2023
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