Bohemian Rhapsody

Passau, Germany to Prague, Czech Republic
June 14 – 21, 2023
    • Passau, Germany
    • Obermuhl an der Danau, Austria
    • Linz, Austria
    • Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
    • Pisek, Czech Republic
    • Ratmerice, Czech Republic
    • Prague, Czech Republic

    8 days, 7 nights / Breakfast, lunch, two group dinners included
    $4,950 / €4,550  Spring Sale: $4,250 / €3,900
    per person, double occupancy

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    Small Group Sizes

    Full-Time Van Support

    Fabulous Lodging

    eBikes for All

    Photo Workshops

    This leg of the 2023 Grand Tour takes us from Passau, Germany into the Bohemian region of the Czech Republic (also known as Czechia). Bohemia, now the westernmost region of the Czech Republic, was formerly a kingdom unto itself, dating back to earliest days of the Roman Empire. Subject to fortunes of numerous wars, the region came under the rule of church and state, periodically under the control of Germany, Austria, Hungary and others. Now, it stands as one of the most significant historic regions in Europe, with its relative remoteness helping to preserve influences that formed the rich architecture and culture. Touring through Bohemia is stepping back in time to experience dazzling natural and man-made beauty crafted over centuries.

    The middle section of our trip features Český Krumlov and Český Budojovice, each an amazing city dating to before the middle ages. We’ll spend an extra day in Český Krumlov, designated a World Heritage site, which will give us time to explore the ancient town and tour the Bohemian countryside.

    On the northern end of our trek through the Czech Republic, we find Prague, one of the most magnificent cities in all of Europe. Worthy of a lifetime of exploration on its own, Prague will be the endpoint of the first half of our Grand Tour, but we hope you can extend your stay a few days to take it all in. We’ll linger a while… and we hope you will as well.

    Day Zero
    Gather in Passau

    Nomads staff will gather in Passau on the afternoon of June 13 at the beautiful Hotel Residenz Passau. Though this evening is not an official part of the trip, guests continuing from the previous week or guests who are joining us in Passau are welcome to connect with us at the hotel; we’ve made arrangements just in case and, space permitting, a room may be available for you. Wander museums, the historic old city, or just relax and prepare for the next stage of our amazing journey. Tomorrow, we dive headlong into the heart of Bohemia.

    Day One

    If you’ve stayed in Passau the evening prior, the morning is free for wandering the city a bit. Officially, our tour starts today as we assemble at 11:00 AM to gather our Nomads clan, get a proper bike fit, share a first lunch, and head off for a short 26-mile ride into the countryside before circling back following the Danube River. With a mid-afternoon return to our hotel, you should have ample time to explore Passau before we gather for dinner. Tonight, we begin to form bonds with our fellow Nomads; tomorrow, we start our journey through Bohemia.

    Day Two
    Passau to Obermuhl an der Donau

    We’ll gather after breakfast, toss our gear into the van, hop onto our bikes, and join the ever-popular Danube River bike trail for a 30-mile ride downstream. Of all the great bicycle pathways in Europe, the Danube River trail may be the most popular—for a good reason. Its popularity owes to the natural beauty and serenity of the setting, as well as the many amenities available along the way. From the riverbanks, we’ll watch light and colors change hillsides as we pass, and match pace with boats filled with visitors sharing the experience from a different vantage point. We’ll feel no urgency to speed along; time slows on the Danube, as will we.

    Our resting place for the evening will be the Gasthof Gierlinger on the banks of the Danube. A favorite of cyclists, we’re sure to find many kindred souls on the terrace overlooking the water. Dinner is on your own, or you can join the “Nomads Table,” a place where the Nomads team welcome any who wish to join.

    Day Three
    Obermuhl an der Donau to Linz

    Following our new morning ritual of breakfast, tossing gear onto the van, and hopping onto bikes in the cool air of morning, we leave the Danube today and head into the hillside. The rural roller coaster ride through fields, meadows, and woods reminds us that the pace of rural Austria is little changed from decades and centuries past. There is unmistakable beauty in high mountains and precipices, but no more so than that of waves of grass and grain dotted by sheep and cattle on a sunny summer afternoon. This is a bucolic beauty; a beauty that feeds the soul.

    Our 35-mile ride should allow us to arrive in the historic city of Linz by mid-afternoon with enough time to get settled and set out to explore on foot. Linz is a modern city with a medieval core and a grand plaza that beckons us. Our lodging for the night is the upscale Courtyard by Marriott Linz, near the Innere Stadt that anchors the city. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Four
    Linz to Český Krumlov

    We set the compass due north today, climb out of the Danube River valley, and make way towards Český Krumlov in the Czech Republic. It would be easy to say that the countryside becomes more beautiful with each passing mile, but that wouldn’t really be true. Each mile, each farm, each meadow and vista and woodland is simply beautiful in a different way. The lifestyle and culture slowly shift from Austrian to Bohemian, a subtle difference that can best be appreciated when absorbed at the gentle pace of a bike.

    We leave Austria and roll into the Czech Republic, passing ancient villages that could be modern sets for medieval tales. After nearly 48 miles of cycling bliss, we reach the magnificent town of Český Krumlov, perhaps the country’s most iconic traditional village. We find our lodging, the gorgeous Bellevue Hotel, and settle in for the night. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table. Tomorrow, we explore Český Krumlov as it deserves.

    Day Five
    Český Krumlov

    Today, we stay in the Český Krumlov area, starting the day with a short 25-mile ride to a nearby mountain peak and a pastoral loop west of town. The goal will be to return early enough to leave ample time to take in the many treasures within walking distance of our hotel.

    Spared damage during the 20th century wars, Český Krumlov is one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Bohemia. Dominated by its 13th century castle and designated a World Heritage site, the city boasts magnificent examples of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture, a still-operating 17th century theatre, a bell tower that offers panoramic views of the city, and a warren of narrow lanes full of shops and restaurants that beckons exploration. We’ll appreciate the extra day spent here but will soon realize that even that is much too little time. Ceske Krumlov is a treasure to savor, which we’ll do the best that we can. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Six
    Český Krumlov to Pisek

    Today’s ride is special, as it is a masterpiece of lovely lanes across magnificent country. At every opportunity on our journey, we seek out quiet lanes and country roads, but rarely does a locale provide for a nearly 50-mile ride on pathways immersed in nature and away from traffic. There will undoubtedly be times when you think we must have taken a wrong turn, as the lane we’ve found seems to lead us off into fields and woods visited only by four-legged creatures. And I guess that’s exactly the point. We find serenity in Bohemia on this day and the peace we feel will make us wonder why we ever travel differently.

    Our stopping point today is Pisek, a beautifully city on the Otava River. The bridge linking the city across two banks is the oldest preserved stone bridge in the country. A traditional medieval square, with narrow alleys leading in all directions, sets the stage for this end-of-day respite. Our lodging for the evening is the lovely Hotel U Klalicky, located near the town center. Dinner will be on your own or you can join us at the Nomads table.

    Day Seven
    Pisek to Ratmerice

    Leaving Pisek, our 47-mile route follows the banks of the Otava River for a bit, then take a direct path towards its confluence with the mighty Vitava River. Before we cross, we make a slight detour to Zvikov Castle, a medieval masterpiece set on a peninsula over looking both the Otava and Vitava Rivers. A royal palace built on a spit of land that drops precipitously on all sides to the water, the castle fortress may have been one of the most defensible in all the land. Fortunately, gates are now open to welcome those fortunate enough to find their way to this remote location.

    After a brief stop, we continue across the countryside to our evening rest at the spectacular Zamek Ratmerice. On this final night together, we’ll share stories and a fabulous meal and give thanks for the opportunity to have spent time exploring this amazing land as a Nomad clan.

    Day Eight
    Ratmerice to Prague

    We load our gear and set out across the Bohemian countryside one last time. Rolling hills, open meadows, and the Otava River accompany us on our 47-mile ride into the grand city of Prague. When considering the greatest historical European cities—cities marked by grand architecture, culture, great museums, and rich history—Prague is certainly near or at the top of anyone’s list.

    We’ll end this segment of our tour in Prague, but we hope you’ll plan several more days to take in the gifts that Prague provides. Museums, opera halls, cathedrals, fortresses; the list goes on forever. The Nomads staff will be staying at the beautiful Falkensteiner Boutique Hotel, set in the heart of historic old town Prague; we’ve reserved extra rooms, just in case any of our guests would like to join. For those moving on, we’ll bid farewell and give thanks for having spent time together on our brief journey through paradise.

    2023 eBike Nomads Tours

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    Florence to Cortona
    May 9 – 15 and May 17 – 23, 2023

    Bohemian Rhapsody

    Passau to Prague
    June 14 – 21, 2023

    Dolomites, Dolomites

    Valbruna to Treviso
    September 2 – 8, 2023

    Shakespeare to Alps

    Verona to Lienz
    May 23 – June 3, 2023

    Danube and Alps

    Vienna to Klagenfurt
    August 16 – 23, 2023

    Tuscany in Fall

    Florence to Cortona
    September 13 – 19, 2023

    Alps to Amadeus

    Lienz to Passau
    June 5 – 12, 2023

    Finding Slovenia

    Klagenfurt to Kranjska Gora
    August 25 – 31, 2023

    Umbria in Fall

    Perugia to Orvieto
    September 21 – 26, 2023
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